When Vanguard Bears representatives spent two hours with the Rangers Board members some months ago, we came away with the attitude that, given they were at that point only five months in the job, they should be given a reasonable time to assess the damage done by previous incumbents and devise a short and long term strategy to remedy the malaise that we found ourselves in.
One of the comments made by Board members was that other forums, other spokespeople were condemning them without realising the mess they had to untangle and how little time they had been there to do that. At the time we felt that was reasonable.
Our discussions were friendly but at the same time, we left the Board in no doubt what the attitude of the fans would be if the Board failed to stop the rot and, at least, start us on the road back to our rightful place in Scottish football.
As the Board were "Ready To Listen", we advised them to make a strong statement, to show the fans the way things would be from here on in. Whether it was banning a journalist who printed lies or whether it was taking someone like Phil McGillivan to court to end his lying and defamation.
Over the last few weeks, we have exposed corruption and incompetence at the highest level in Scottish football. The exclusives, which have been ignored by Stewart Regan and Co. have been sent to David Somers, our Chairman, as well as being posted on the front page of Vanguard Bears.
Regarding these revelations, we repeat the following: not one man named in these stories has denied them; nor, more revealingly, has any threat of legal action been made towards Vanguard Bears. It is our opinion that if anything were untrue or fabricated, then lawyers representing those named would have demanded the articles be retracted and that they would have done everything in their power to close this forum.
When the first story was sent to Mr. Somers, he replied by saying "Interesting. Thanks." It was certainly not the response we had hoped for from someone who purports to care deeply for our Club.
Vanguard Bears have had no reply to the second article, despite it being sent to Mr. Somers on the 21st August 2014.
To say we are disappointed is an understatement. We have proof that the Club was shamefully, unprofessionally and quite possibly illegally treated by the football authorities. Rangers, with the legal expertise available to them, should be confirming our documentation is genuine, then going after those responsible for costing us millions of pounds to exact adequate revenge and suitable compensation.
Today, we ask, the following questions:
- Why is the Board not seeking to prove the documentation correct?
- When was the last time any Board member had any meaningful interaction with the support regarding these startling revelations, which are being commented on by everyone in Scottish football circles whilst the silence from our own club continues to frustrate and stun the fan base?
- Why has the Board not made any effort to ban at least one of the many media people who continue to lie and insult our Club?
Is this lack of action, as rumours suggest, Mr. Wallace is simply biding his time until he leaves? Is it, as rumours persist, because the Easdale brothers simply want out? Or is it because the Board has, in posh terms, no testicular fortitude?