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Why Are You Here?

Written by: We Must Be Bolder
Tuesday, 10th September 2024

Findlay, why are you here?

This wailing post estrus bitch literally compared The Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland (LOIS) to far right racists at a recent rally. 

Why are you here?

This was a deliberate and sadistic attack on her favourite hatred. Being educated in bile does have some advantages. It allows her to navigate her way around the vague language on the very edge of a hate crime. If Findlay used anti-Protestant language the results and commentary may have been different. The LOIS have demanded action and as duly noted by the Order itself, "The Protestant community in Scotland appears to be the 'go to' for the outpouring of bile, hatred and contempt." 

Ireland is a hop, skip and jump away - why are you here?

If her blessed community is so oppressed and put upon by British society and specifically the Protestant community of Scotland, your beloved homeland is there just waiting to welcome you back with all your academic fervour and expertise. Hate mongers of this calibre (and I mean this in its lowest form of contempt) have no place in Scotland. If Findlay had pinpointed the Jewish or Muslim community the story, outcome and inevitable backlash would have looked and sounded quite different. Findlay is steeped in terrorist ideology and thinks pro-terrorists songs reverberating around the piggery is not only acceptable but somehow to be forever expected. 

Jeanette Findlay - IRA supporting scumbag.


If the IRA and its struggle means so much to you, why are you here? Put your soulless cadaver and cancerous mind where your bigoted dried up petrified crust of a heart belongs and head 237 miles southwest from Glasgow and with light traffic you'd be in Dublin in just over six hours - why are you here? 

You are here to stoke violence towards the Protestant community with the knowledge and confidence that has been handed to you and your ilk by the SNP for the past nearly 15 years. You are here to poison Scotland just like your ancestors and current supporters and protagonists of far left divisive ideology and anti-West and anti-British values. You are here to distort the reality of LOIS and its members. You are here to be a staunch supporter and tolerant of every single movement, body and ideology that is the antithesis of Scotland and the Protestant faith. You are here to reframe terrorists murdering people as 'victims'. 

Why are you here? 

You are here to hate. 


by We Must Be Bolder
by The Ref


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