"Let the others come after us. We welcome the chase. It is healthy for us.
We will never hide from it. Never fear."
- William Struth

Scottish Suzerain

Written by: We Must Be Bolder
Friday, 27th December 2024

Where justice cannot be attained, the reality of considering private prosecutions of the enemy, shows a failure of public justice and public confidence. To rip off Superman's motto - Truth and Justice and the Scottish way - in 2024 at the apogee of the unchallenged diatribe of Jeanette Findlay, that sentiment is now redundant. There is no better tomorrow for Scotland's substantial Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland (GOLS) members and supporters. In addition, the SFA decision to body-swerve concerns into a clear and obvious 'error', with instant consequences highlights again that institutions should first deal with human spitefulness before entrusting the latest technology to certain individuals.

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So Why Not Scotland?

Written by: The Ref
Thursday, 19th December 2024

I've been involved in football almost all of my life. I've played, coached, and worked as a match official for the FAMOA. I've been a referee, assistant referee, fourth official, a referees tutor, mentor, and an assessor. It's fair to say that I love the beautiful game.

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Why Are You Here?

Written by: We Must Be Bolder
Tuesday, 10th September 2024

Findlay, why are you here?

This wailing post estrus bitch literally compared The Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland (LOIS) to far right racists at a recent rally. 

Why are you here?

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Ghosts In The Architecture

Written by: We Must Be Bolder
Tuesday, 19th March 2024

"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at" - Bill Ayres, friend of Barack Obama and partners together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Institute.

The well spring of most if not all cultural nihilism is cowardice, ignorance and acquiescence beyond ancestral reality. This leads to a straining of relations if not a complete severing. This latest policy to bend to minorities attending Ibrox demonstrates a detached mindset of the Board. I am referring to the infrastructure put in place to facilitate Ramadan for our very small number of Muslims who attend Ibrox. I'm not being inflammatory here, I didn't think we would do such a thing. The cultural wedge placed between the Board and the support runs risk of becoming a vacuum. This act can only be described as masturbatory relief from the Board as they seek to deliver obedience from the significant position that they hold at Ibrox. If the very small Muslim support can rely on the unwavering support of the board (and credit to them for securing it, I'd like some negotiating tips), why can't we? We shall return to this later. 

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A Life Adrift

Written by: We Must Be Bolder
Friday, 12th January 2024

"He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish." - The Old Man & The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway.

There is a scene in The Old Man & The Sea where the old man hooks a huge tuna or marlin and it is so big that he can't land it in the boat. He tethers it to the side as best he can in his weak and feeble state. He tries to make his way back to shore with the added weight of a gigantic fish. The sharks begin to scent blood, then circle, then attack the old man's trophy fish. Such is the power of symbolism in contemporary times. It could not be more appropriate or telling.

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